📣  Eumundi Kinesiology Holistic Counselling

book a kinesiologist on the sunshine coast

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what is kinesiology?

Kinesiology (kin-easy-ology) uses gentle muscle monitoring to identify what may be causing an imbalance in your body without diagnosing or prescribing. Kinesiology works to find and help release stress in the body. It does this by using the body's natural biofeedback system.

Gentle muscle touching and testing help locate areas of stress in the body that may hold us back from joy, happiness, optimum health and finding our best potential.

Our muscles are directly connected to our nervous system and our brain. Kinesiology allows me, Natasha Hendy, your kinesiologist at Eumundi Kinesiology, to tap into this direct line of communication to help tell me what your body may need to heal—physically, mentally and spiritually. It is designed to be gentle but mighty and effective. Often, results can be felt immediately. Kinesiology encompasses many holistic health disciplines, and muscle monitoring accesses information about your well-being, identifying elements that may inhibit your body’s natural healing ability. It combines Western and Eastern techniques to promote good health naturally.

The human nervous system is designed to adapt to change. When our body cannot adapt efficiently, our muscles reflect stress in the central nervous system. This stress creates specific muscle patterns. In your consultation, I will test these patterns for imbalances (physical pain, mental strain) that may present in the form of depression, anxiety or poor posture to determine what particular techniques bring back balance and a sense of well-being.

To enquire about kinesiology, or book an appointment on the Sunshine Coast, call 0437 226 005.

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Your Kinesiology Sessions—The Process

Each session begins with an open, honest discussion. This usually takes around 15 minutes. Natasha will ask you questions and support you to find out the focus (goal) for your session. Goals might be relief from pain, depression or anything disturbing your health and well-being. Your goal might initially feel stressful, but techniques will be used throughout the session to relieve that feeling.

Kinesiology is a non-invasive treatment, Natasha does not prescribe or diagnose illnesses. Natasha will work with you to help shift and balance out your symptoms, success comes from the individual who chooses to do the work and help themselves move forward and make the necessary changes to heal.

Pricing & Benefits

One-off sessions $130.00

Ongoing sessions $120.00

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local & remote sessions available

Generally, it takes time for an issue to arise, or it has been a part of our life for many years, so one session is not expected to solve all issues. Kinesiology can only work effectively if the client is willing and open to make changes to progress from where they are now to where they would love to be, internally and externally.

Areas that kinesiology can help with include:

  • Integration of trauma
  • Immune health
  • Gut health, allergies, nutrition
  • Hormonal imbalances & helping women with infertility issues
  • Anxiety, panic attacks, rage & resentment
  • Pain both mentally & physically (if it is emotionally connected or muscle memory)
  • Lack of boundaries
  • Grief & its integration
  • Additions (if the person is willing to release)
  • Learning issues & memory
  • Motivation, manifestation, lack of belief in self
  • Worthiness, self-esteem & confidence
  • Releasing any areas in life that are stuck & holding you back
  • Helping children with any learning difficulties & confidence

I work with all ages, from babies to adults, both male and female.

This work can also be done remotely. I have worked with clients interstate and locally. I have worked in kinesiology for over ten years, in addition to over 25 years of working with people and their bodies.

Reach Out


  • How can kinesiology benefit athletes and sports enthusiasts?

    Kinesiology can be crucial in helping athletes enhance their performance and prevent injuries. Through movement analysis and biomechanical assessment, kinesiologists can identify weaknesses or imbalances affecting an athlete's performance. They can then develop personalised training programs to improve strength, flexibility and agility, to optimise athletic performance and reduce the risk of injuries.

  • How can kinesiology contribute to injury rehabilitation and recovery?

    Kinesiology can be vital in rehabilitation by guiding injured individuals through exercises and movements that promote healing and improve functional abilities. Kinesiologists can assess movement patterns to identify compensations and develop targeted rehabilitation plans to correct deficiencies, restore strength and flexibility, and assist individuals in returning to their regular activities safely and efficiently.

  • Can kinesiology help with non-athletic populations and general well-being?

    Absolutely! Kinesiology is not limited to athletes and can benefit anyone seeking to improve their physical health and well-being. Kinesiologists can design fitness programs tailored to individuals’ specific goals or needs, whether it is weight loss, improving cardiovascular health, managing chronic conditions or enhancing overall fitness. They can also guide proper body mechanics, ergonomics and injury prevention strategies for everyday activities.

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